Our worship service is held on Sunday morning at 10:45. On Wednesday evenings at 5:30, we meet in the fellowship for a pastor-led Bible study. Sunday morning worship is available via Facebook livestream at Pearsall Methodist Church. Just click on Facebook Icon on Home Page.
Worshipers may wear what ever feels comfortable to either service
Holy Communion is offered on the first Sunday of the month at our usual morning service. Holy Communion is offered every Wednesday.
Holy Communion or the Lord's Supper is open to all believers. Our method of communion is called "intinction", which is the dipping of the bread into the cup thereby receiving both elements together. The congregation comes forward for communion. You are invited to pray at the communion rail following the receiving of the elements.
Methodists believe in baptism for the infants of believing parents. We also believe that if a person is not baptized as an infant this person may be baptized when they come to faith after their childhood. Methodists baptize by sprinkling, or pouring, or by immersio
.For infant baptism, sprinkling is the method used and this sacrament happens in the midst of the faith community with the community vowing to nurture the baptized in the faith. Part of this nurture is confirmation training when the child is old enough to comprehend the teachings of the Christian faith. At the conclusion of confirmation, the child makes their own confession of faith in Christ which confirms the faith their parents confessed over them in their infant baptism. To arrange for any type of baptism, call or email the pastor.
Telecoil Hearing Loop
Our Church is now equipped with a Hearing Loop in our Sanctuary. Now anyone with a hearing aid that has a Telecoil setting can much better understand what comes through our PA system.